Published at: 11-04-2023

The College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences Held a National Workshop

Powerd by: UoH

College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences conducted a national workshop entitled “Sports Training Methods and Energy Systems” on Tuesday 11th of April 2023 in the seminar hall of the college.
At first, the lecturer Mr. Twana Latif Hussein presented a seminar under the title, “Methods of Sports Training” in which he explained the methods in detail.
He also emphasized the importance for the coaches to be careful of the training methods they use because training requires specific methods which depends on age.



The second seminar was presented by Dr. Sirwan Hamid Rafiq entitled, “Relationship Between Energy Systems and Training Methods” in which he clarified that everyone needs energy to perform any training. After that, he explained the types of energy and the ways in which energy is produced.
