Published at: 21-02-2023

Workshop held on Environmental Awareness

Powerd by: UoH

University of Halabja, College of Basic Education, Department of Social Sciences held a national workshop on Environmental Awareness and displaying Data and Environmental Statistics of Halabja on February 21th, 2023 at Central Library Hall.
The workshop includes three panels and presented by Mr.Subhan Hussain specialist in environment at Environment office of Halabja, Lecturer Mr.Usama Ashraf and Mr.Hasim at College of Social Sciences. The panels run by Mr. Bahaddin Faraj.
The first panel presented by Mr.Subhan entitled “The Activities of Environment Office of Halabja Governorate, he shed some light on the activities of his office, and said that the office is newly established almost 8 months ago, besides he mentioned that the office has numerous tasks and duties with few human resources but we tried our best to carry out them properly.
Later, he explained the duties and projects the Office of Environment work on it and the regulations they follow. He further discussed the task of the committees, their visits to schools and other places at the aim of raising awareness regarding environment issues.
When people ”go green,” they are practicing environmental awareness. The term means exactly what you expect it to: being aware of the natural environment and making choices that benefit–rather than hurt–the earth.

The second panel was presented by Mr.Usma Ashraf under the title “The reality of the existence of Solid Waste in Halabja Governorate”, in which he pointed out that in the past years there were around 30 thousand tons of waste in Halabja, compare to last year which increased to 100 thousand tones which is a very high amount if a solution is not found for. He further explained that part of them will be became organic matter, but some will remain such as plastic and glass.
The last panel was offered by Lecturer Mr.Hasim Othman “Environment awareness from Islam Religion perspective and its Reflection in Halabja”, he started his presentation with given religious texts, Holy Hadith and speech of scholars regarding the environment and cleanness, he highlighted the religion texts related to environment.
The workshop concluded with an answer – question sessions.
