Published at: 11-12-2022

Department of Principle of Religion held a workshop

Powerd by: UoH

Department of Principle of Religion, College of Humanities, UoH held a national workshop on the behaviors of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) in his daily life and its influence on Fatwas on December 11th ,2022 at College of Humanities Hall.

The workshop was entitled Behaviors of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and their impact on fatwas. It consisted of three session and presented by Dr. Ahmad Jamil, Dr. Rasul Hassan and Dr. Omar Hama Rashid, in which they discussed the behavior of the Prophet of Islam, and gave several examples of hadiths in this regard. Besides, they discussed the role of Fatwa and reiterated that the issue of fatwa is sensitive not everyone, especially if not experts to issue fatwas on their own, for which they gave several vivid examples.
