Published at: 20-02-2021

Directorates of Quality Assurance and International Academic Relations held a Workshop

Powerd by: UoH

On the 17th of February 2021, the directorates of Quality Assurance and International Academic Relations held a workshop entitled, “Promoting Citation, the Importance of National Ranking and its sections” in which a number of academic staff were present including the vice-president for Scientific Affairs Dr. Dana Abdullah Tahir, the vice-president for Students Affairs Dr. Ranjdar Muhammed, dean of Colleges of Science and Basic Education and a number of lecturers.
1- Dr. Shuja Aldeen offered a presentation on the Importance of Citation and the Steps to Promote Citation.
2- Dr. Barzan Hadi Hama Kareem offered a presentation on the Importance of National Ranking and its motives.
3- Mr. Aram Muhammed Ameen offered a presentation on the reasons beyond the low statues of UoH in the National Universities Ranking.
