Published at: 15-10-2020

University of Halabja and Cihan University of Sulaimaniya Organized a Workshop

Powerd by: UoH

On the 12th of October 2020, College of Law and Adminstration/ University of Halabja and College of Law/ Cihan University of Sulaimaniya held a workshop entitled, “ A Legal Assessment for the Regulations of Beginning the Academic New Year 2020-2021 at Public and Private Universities”.
The workshop included two sections:

the first section was to reconsider and review the regulations of education process during Covid 19 pandemic including assessing the previous regulations regarding the presence of students at classrooms, reviewing the regulations regarding hosting and transferring students from one university to another, assessing the regulations of Quality Assurance during the pandemic, reviewing student dormitory regulations based on Covid19 pandemic, etc.
The second section was to think about and solve the unpredictability of the study situation during the pandemic including the case of the lecturers and students who would infect Covid19, giving every attempt so as not to fail the education sector, etc.
After the two sections, both sides decided to write a report on the situation and results of the workshop and also address them to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The workshop was ended with a question and answer discussion between the lecturers and organizers of both sides.
