Dr. Mahabad Kamil Abdullah, UoH president, participated in the kickoff meeting of APPRAISE project which was held virtually on the 2nd and 3rd of February 2021.
During the two days of the kickoff meeting, Dr. Muhammed Hussain, the director of Apparatus of Supervision and Quality Assurance, as a representative of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, a number of presidents and representatives of KR universities participated in the meeting.
During the first day, Dr. Barzan Hadi Hama Karim, head of IRO, gave a brief presentation about the University of Halabja and its activities from establishment until now regarding the progress and improvement of UoH. Then, Dr. Mahabad gave a speech in which she congratulated the project partners and emphasized on the importance of implementing the project goals so as to improve the scientific institutions of MHESR of KRG in general and UoH in particular.
During the second day, the actions and work plans for the three-year-project were clarified.
In addition, APPRAISE which stands for Governance, quality, accountability: a piloting Reform Process in Kurdistan Region of Iraq is a co-financing project of Erasmus+ UNIMID- KA102, Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Call 2020.
The aim of APPRAISE is to support modernization of the Governance system of HEIs in Kurdistan Region of Iraq, improve Quality Assurance to be fitted with the new system of Bologna process and to recognize the credits mobility. Besides, the project will last for three years (15/01/2021- 14/01/2024) which consisted of four European partners including Pisa University/ Italy, Oslo University/ Norway, Murcia University/ Spain and Evora University/ Portugal and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of KRG and eight public universities including Salahaddin, Sulaimani, Duhok, Halabja, Duhok Polytechnic, Garmian, Zakho and Charmo universities.