Published at: 10-03-2022

Halabja University received Lion’s share in the Fifth Excellent Paper Symposium of KSCEIN

Posted by:  UoH

Prof. Dr. Mahabad Kamil Abdualla, UoH president on behalf of UoH presidency offers warm congratulations towards three faculty members of UoH , Mr. Faraydoon Wali Ahmed,Mr.Hunar Farid Hama Ali and Mr. Rabar Hama Amin Faraj, for choosing their 4 research papers as the 10 excellent papers in the Fifth Excellent Paper Award Symposium of KSCEIN on March 8th ,2022, Dr. Mahabad wished them success and hoped for further scientific and academic works.
KSCIEN is a not-for-profit organization based in Kurdistan with the global focus on development and improvement of scientific research mainly in the developing strives to hold different scientific activities in the form of workshops, Symposium, courses and conferences, each year it will hold Excellent Paper Symposium to choose 10 best research papers which are published within a year in national and international journals for researchers in public and private universities.
In this year’s Fifth Symposium 3124 papers were sent to the competition and among those 1979 were published in the international journals and (10) excellent papers were nominated as the Excellent Papers of the year 2021, hopefully the UoH ‘s three lecturers got lion’s share for choosing their papers among the top ten excellent papers. The sequence was as followings: Lecturer Mr. Faraydoon Wali Ahmed at College of Science, Department of Physics awarded second place for his research paper entitled “Potential of data centers for fast frequency response services in synchronously isolated power systems” Lecturer Mr. Hunar Farid Hama Ali at Department of Construction Engineering won the Fourth and Seventh place. Lecturer Mr. Rabar Hama Amin Faraj at Department of Construction Engineering won the Tenth place.
