Published at: 22-12-2023

University of Halabja (UoH) and Raden Intan Lampung State Islamic University Signed a Memorandum of Understanding

Posted by:  UoH

On December 19, 2023, the University of Halabja (UoH) and Raden Intan Lampung State Islamic University held a virtual meeting resulting in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). UoH was represented by Dr. Mahabad Kamil Abdullah, the university president, Mr. Rasti Ayub Hama Saeed, head of International Academic Relations, and Mr. Bawar Muhammed Faraj, head of the International Ranking Office. The university president Dr. Wan Jamaluddin and various deans and heads represented Raden Intan Lampung State Islamic University.
The session included speeches by both presidents, providing insights into the history, structure, and development of their respective institutions. The MoU, comprising eight articles, aims to strengthen relations, fostering academic and cultural exchange in education, research, and other activities.
