Published at: 30-11-2023

UoH Delegation Participates in TeachersMOD Circular Field Visit to Vila Real and Granada

Posted by:  UoH

A delegation from University of Halabja have participated in Circular Field Visit at two of the EU university partners in the framework of TeachersMOD project: the University Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and University of Granada between 13-17/11/2023. The field visits were organized as part of the Workpackage 4 of TeachersMOD project and focused on various aspects of higher education, including Active Teaching and Learning Methodologies, Soft Skills and Special Needs Management, Teaching in/through a foreign language at College of Basic Education.

The UoH delegation comprises of 4 University lecturers from College of Basic Education namely, Dr. Hoshman Ata Mahmod, Dr. Niaz Mohammed Fatah, Dr. Lawko Amir Aziz and Ms. Renas Wali Mustafa,they were joined by delegations from 4 other Kurdish universities. The field visits were organized by Pavia University and aimed to provide participants with an in-depth look at the current state of Curriculum at College of Basic Education in Portugal and Spain.

The first part of the visit took place in Vila Real at University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, where the participants had the opportunity to engage in discussions with representatives from University of Alto Douro and learn about their experiences in Active Teaching and Learning Methodologies: The Case of Project- Based Learning Methodology and the Flipped Classroom, Implementing EMI programmes and soft skills in higher education.
The Kurdish partners had also the opportunity to visit typical school where a special Hall for modern practical teaching methodology was prepared and named as “class of twenty- first century” which is a new experience at the beginning stage. KRI primary schools can also get benefit from this experience.
During the second part of the visit in Granada, which was a field Visit and Training Workshop participants learned about Soft Skills and Special Needs Management in Higher Education, Teaching Methods in Higher Education through Arts;Design and Implementation of institutional collaboration proposal for teachers’ professional. The participants had comprehensive discussions to make a comparison between higher Education programs in the KRI institutions and host institutions where they were able to establish links for future scientific cooperation and exchange of ideas to further advance the quality of teaching methodologies and competence of the staff of College of Basic Education at KRI HEIs in the future.
