Published at: 06-12-2021

UoH and Coventry University Implement Academic Cooperation

Posted by:  UoH

In an effort to put the already signed memorandum of understanding into practice between them, the English Department of University of Halabja and the Coventry University held and online meeting on the 2nd of December, 2021.
The participants of the meeting included the scientific committee of English Department of UoH and the School of Social Sciences headed by Dr. Araz Jamal Agha from the Coventry University. During the meeting, ideas from both sides were exchanged concerning the academic needs of UoH English Department.
The meeting concluded with a plan which will be put to effect practically in the following phases:
– Holding joint workshops for the academic staff and students of English Department;
– Development of curriculum at English Department as well as Development of Human Capacity Building;
– Making efforts for the purpose of staff and student exchange;
– Investing in joint efforts to conduct research papers.
