Published at: 04-05-2021

A lecturer From UoH Participated in an International Meeting

Posted by:  UoH

On the 3rd of May 2021, Mr. Faraydoon Wali, a lecturer and a head of Physics Department at UoH, participated in a virtual meeting with a number of key staff of Physics Department at Old Dominion University which is an American University.
The purpose of the meeting by the Old Dominion University was to offer cooperation with KRG public Universities in the areas of organizing conferences, conducting joint-researches and also supervising MA and PhD students.
In the meeting, a number of KRG MOHESR key staff were present including Dr. Amanj Abdulla Said, an advisor of the Minister of MOHESR of KRG and Mr. Sartip Khalis Hussein, director of General Directorate of Research and Development.
At the end, the participants of both sides decided to continuously hold such a meeting in the future in order to make plans to serve students and lecturers of Physics Departments at KRG public Universities.
