Published at: 10-02-2021

University of Halabja and Islamic Azad University Held a Meeting

Posted by:  UoH

On the 9th of February 2021, the UoH president Dr. Mahabad Kamil Abdullah and the Islamic Azad University president Dr. Jahanshir Amini together with both universities council members had a meeting in which both sides discussed the ways of conducting scientific joint-works in detail.
At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Mahabad discussed the importance of the building academic bilateral relations between UoH and other universities nationally and internationally. Then, she appointed the UoH council to organize and conduct scientific works with Iranian universities. Later, Dr. Jahanshir highly appreciated the UoH president and other key staff members for organizing such a meeting and stated that the Islamic Azad University is ready to perform scientific works with UoH.
Besides, both sides discussed the steps they need to take in order to improve the scientific levels of both universities so as to reflect a development in scientific process and education level in the near future. After that, both sides agreed that the results of the meeting will be written in a MoU in a suitable time.
The subject matters of the meeting are followings:
1- The Islamic Azad University offers the UoH a full cooperation concerning academic staff mobility with all the scientific departments of UoH being dependent on the requirements.
2- The Islamic Azad University will do the necessary preparations regarding providing labs for conducting researches for lecturers and MA and PhD students at UoH based on a scientific agreement.
3- Both sides will conduct joint-research and publish them in high impact factor journals.
