Published at: 13-12-2020

The UoH Central Library to Be Digitalized

Posted by:  UoH

The advanced programmer Mr. Barzan Tahir Saeed, head of IT division at UoH, built an electronic library and management system of UoH central library so as to facilitate the use, access to, and search of information for students in particular and readers in general.
Mr. Barzan gave a speech to UoH website in which he clarified the methods of working on this system and stated that the system includes the first part which is dedicated to a digital library in which all the library books will be registered in detail as well as uploading the books which are available in pdf.
Besides, the second part is the management system of the library in which all the books are classified. Further, the process of borrowing and returning books will be registered in a way each student has his/ her own code in the library.
The link of the electronic library:
