Published at: 08-12-2019

UoH is to be chosen for a training program by U.S. Embassy in Baghdad

Posted by:  UoH

Within the framework of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and its constant cooperation in Higher Education sectors and familiarizing students with labor market, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad announced a project entitled “Work Expertise Development for Senior Students of University” for Halabja, Charmo and Garmian Universities.
The project will last for nine months and is to select 50 students at each university.
Through the program, workshops and training courses will be organized for the students for the purpose of enhancing their capacities and familiarizing them with career options as well as improving them on employment opportunities.
These activities are to put forward and encourage students’ ideas regarding marketing which will lead them to own their own business in the future.
The program is supervised by Center for International Private Enterprise U.S. Organization (CIPE) and implemented directly by KEDO organization in cooperation with CDC centers at the three mentioned Universities of KRG. The program has moved through a number of stages.
The first stage was to teach numerous trainers courses. In the next stage, 50 students will be selected after the participation of senior students in and filling out application forms.
