Published at: 14-11-2019

Consul General of France in Erbil Paid a Visit to UoH

Posted by:  UoH

Consul General of France in Erbil Mr.Olivier Decottignies accompanied by Halabja Mayor Ms. Nukhsha Nasih paid a visit to UoH and they were warmly received by the UoH president Assist. Prof.

Dr. Mahabad Kamil, Vice president for Administrative and Financial Affairs Assist. Prof. Dr. Idris Karim Mohammed, Dean of College of Science Dr. Sarkew Salah and Director of International Academic Relations Mr. Arian Ali Hameed in November 10th 2019.

A meeting was arranged in which Mr. Decottignies emphasized building bilateral relations between UoH and Consul General of France. Mr. Decottignies also promised to enhance and promote cooperation within the framework of law and regulations of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of KRG.

Then, both parties wished for conducting joint-works to raise the scientific level and background knowledge of lecturers and students of UoH as this could be gained through establishing scientific and cultural relations with France Universities. At the end, UoH president stated that she has hopes that this visit will foster their relations in the future.

General Consul was also awarded UoH logo by Dr. Mahabad
