Published at: 15-04-2019

MOHESR Issued an Order to Open the College of Education in Sharazoor

Posted by:  UoH

Ministry of Higher Education Scientific Research (MOHERS) of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) made a decision to open the College of Education in Sharazoor on March 25, 2019.

The college includes the Kurdish and Kindergarten departments. In addition, the decision of opening the College of Education was in the frame work of the UoH work plan for the current academic year.

The Kurdish Department expressed their graduate for Dr.Yousf Goran, Minister of MOHESR, Mr. Mahmood Haji Salih, Minister of Martyrs Affairs, Dr. Tahseen Abdulkarim, President of UOH and all public and political figures whom played a great role in opening this College in Sharazoor.

Under the condition of MOHESR the new college will have to implement the Bologna process for the next academic year. It is worth mentioning that the opening of the College was promised before by the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Qubad Talabani to the people of the area
