Published at: 24-03-2019

The UoH and Felsberger Institute to Conduct a Research Project on Long-Term Socio-Economic Consequences of War in the Halabja Province

Posted by:  UoH

On the 18th of March 2019, Dr. Hartmut Quehl, director of Felsberger Institute (FI) for Education and Academic Research in Germany and the researcher Ms.

Silvia Nicole paid a visit to the UoH.

At first, Dr. Tahseen Abdulkarim Al-Zangana, the UoH President, Dr. Dana Adulla, Vice-President for scientific affairs, Mr. Arieann Abdulla Hamid, the director of International Relations and the international office staff warmly received Dr. Quehl and Ms Silvia.

Then, Dr. Tahseen expressed his gratitude towards Dr. Quehl for his decision to carry out a joint project concerning the consequences of war and chemical attack on Halabja Province.

Dr. Al-Zangana also stated that the UoH door is always open towards any national or international institutions to build bilateral cooperation and work on such a vital case in Halabja.

In return, Dr. Quehl showed his appreciation towards the UoH for their hospitality and accepting working on such a joint project.

“We make every attempt for the project to be successful”, he added. Later, an agreement for the joint project was assigned between the UoH and Felsberger Institute.

At the end, the UoH logo was awarded to Dr. Quehl as appreciation for his cooperation with the UoH.
