Published at: 17-03-2023

A lecturer from the University of Halabja (UoH) Participated in an International Workshop

Powerd by: UoH

A lecturer from the University of Halabja participated in an international workshop focused on the Halabja genocide which was organized by the Nwe Organization in coordination with the Kurdistan – Germany Friendship of Association – KGFA. The workshop aimed to address the current situation in Halabja, the current situation of the wounded people as well as working on the Halabja genocide case within the framework of the law.
In Kurdistan, participants included Dr. Awara Hussein, the lecturer of the Law Department at the University of Halabja, Mr. Hoshmand Murad, a member of the Executive Committee of the Halabja Chemical Attack Victims Association and Ms. Hiro Wakil, Director of the Nwe Organization in Halabja. Additionally, participants in Germany included Gülseren Demirel, a member of the Bavarian parliament and the Green Party, as well as Louis Gutmann, president of the VVN-BdA and the Association for Nazi Victims.

