Published at: 27-02-2023

The UoH Held a National Workshop to Introduce Its New Journal System

Powerd by: UoH

On the 27th of February 2023, a national workshop was held to Introduce the UoH new journal system to point out that all stages of submitting research to the journal will be systematic.
At the beginning, Assist. Prof. Dr. Farooq Omar, the UoH journal editor-in-chief gave a speech in which he clarified the progress and development of the journal as well as pointing out the challenges and obstacles facing the journal.

He further discussed that the problem of unavailability of research papers has been resolved during the last year and all the late issues have been made available online.

Later, Mr. Bawar Mohammed gave a speech in which he discussed the progress of the journal in the past. In addition, he pointed out that the journal of the UoH has been moved from a normal Google site to OJS system in which all the papers and journal issues are available. Mr. Bawar also stated that the research paper published in the journal will be registered in Google Scholar and several other databases after their publication.

“Numerous papers have been cited and used as sources in others research papers,” he added.
In another part of the workshop, the new system of the journal was introduced to the participants.
It is worth to mention that the responsibilities and tasks of the UoH journal including receiving, evaluation, editing and acceptance of research papers until the process of publishing will be conducted online. Additionally, tutorial videos are available for the all mentioned steps (for sending papers to the UoH website click on this link).

To read all the UoH Journal research papers visit the official website of the UoH Journal click here.
