Published at: 13-02-2023

College of Physical Education Held a National Workshop

Powerd by: UoH

College of Physical Education held a national workshop entitled “The Importance of Sports Massage in Treatment” which was presented by Mr. Renwar Jalal Abdulqadir on the 13th of February 2023 at the Physical Education College Seminar Hall.
The workshop included the following topics:
The first topic was presented by Mr. Renwar Jalal entitled, “The Importance of Sports Massage from the Perspective of Modern Science”.
The second topic was presented by Mr. Hiwa Ahmad named, “The Importance of Sports Massage from a Physiological Perspective” in which he discussed the mechanisms of massage from a physiological perspective and presented the methods and techniques in practice.
The third topic was presented by Ms. Renas Abdullah entitled, “Sports Massage Techniques” in which she discussed all the skills and techniques in detail.
The fourth topic was presented by Mr. Sohaib Mustafa entitled, “The Treatment of Common Joint and Bone Diseases Through Joint Cracking” in which he discussed the correct methods of joint cracking in detail and explained in practice to the participants.
