The UoH held a meeting with the Advisor of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of KRG, Dr. Amanj Abdualla on the 1st of September 2018 at Hotel Titanic in Sulaimani. The meeting was held under the supervision of Dr.Tahseen Abdulkarim Amin, the University President, members of the University Council, Director of International Relations, Head of Scientific Departments and Director of a number of administrative units. At first, Dr.Amanj had a meeting with the University council members in which Dr.Tahseen warmly welcomed Dr.Amanj for his visit. He also showed his appreciation towards him for assisting the UoH.
Then, Dr.Tahseen gave a discussion about the UoH especially its scientific and administrative staff. Besides, he addressed the major issues the university is facing now. Dr. Al Zangana mentioned the recent progress that the university has achieved despite the economic crisis and financial obstacles of our region. The first part of the meeting resulted in a number of points by the the UoH council members as follow:
1- Supporting the UoH by MOHESR with a special fund
2- Managing the UoH works faster at Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of KRG
3- Providing the UoH with a special scientific staff to teach at the University
4- Surmounting the UoH labs and computer halls obstacles After that a number of lecturers and heads of the departments attended
the second part of the meeing with Dr. Amanj. Dr. Amanj in a statement discussed that MOHESR like other ministries and governmental institutions was hit by financial crisis but the Ministry always gives attempts to face the difficulties. “Despite the financial crisis the Ministry made a decision to let the universities to own their financial sectors,” he added. In addition, Dr. Amanj asked the UoH lecturers to accustom to the situations and make changes in order to improve them. At the end, the advisor listened to all the issues the UoH staff addressed and he made a promise to solve them in the near future.