Published at: 20-01-2023

The Ceremony of 40 Research Papers Project and Awarding the Best Year Researcher was Conducted at the UoH

Posted by:  UoH

The Ceremony of 40 Research Papers Project and Awarding the Best Year Researcher was Conducted at the UoH in which Dr. Mahabad Kamil Abdullah, the UoH president, the vice-presidents for Scientific Affairs and Financial Affairs, the deans, the department heads and a number of lecturers and students attended. The ceremony began with standing silently for a moment for the souls of Kurdistan martyrs. After that, Mr. Bawar Muhammad Faraj, head of International Ranking Office, discussed the details and results of the 40-research papers project. He added that 25 different research papers have been published in different fields through the International Ranking Office. In the ceremony, 90 researchers were awarded whom actively participated in the project . Among them Mr. Rabar Hama Ameen, the Engineering Department lecturer, was awarded as the best year researcher at the UoH. In another part of the ceremony was dedicated to thank and honor the Computer Science Department as the first active department, the Kurdish Language as the second one and the Social Sciences department as the third active department in the project.

At the end, the UoH University President and vice-presidents presented honorary awards to the International Rankings Office staff for their active and continuous efforts for promoting the university scientific level.
